
Showing posts from July, 2014

VBS Care Center Day 3

Today our activity was to color and embellish prayer pictures.  Once the kids got all done coloring and decorating, we said a prayer for each of the people they had chosen to give this picture to.  Then they wrote "We said a prayer for you" or something like it on the bottom of the page.  If they needed to mail it I had some stamped envelopes for them to take home for mailing.    5-6 year old love.  :) The "big" kids 

VBS Care Center Day 2

This was a little craft that we picked up at the campmeeting Children's Ministry display.  The kids made little flower gardens and they took them home to give to an elderly person in their life.  

VBS Care Center - Day 1

Our VBS theme is ADRA Adventures.  If you are unfamiliar with ADRA, it stands for Adventist Disaster and Relief Agency.  It helps to bring relief in many forms to people around the world.  The kids will learn about countries (as well as what those counties might be lacking), a Bible lesson, sing songs, hear stories, eat a snack, and instead of a regular craft this year, we have the Care Center.  I'm in charge of that.  The goal is to make outreach and caring a reality in the lives of these children.  I looked for ideas that they could actually see the results of this week.  Here is the first of what the Lord gave me: A Caring Box. The kids were suppose to think of a friend who was not at VBS. Then they were to assemble this little box for that friend and take it to them tomorrow.  It shows friendship and encourages giving.  The box also has a VBS invitation so just maybe more kids will show up as a result of this outreach.  ...


Raisins.  Buckets filled with raisins packets.  There was also info about the school and VBS along with a health tract.  4800 of them.   We had a great group of walkers this year.  So many that even though we doubled our handouts for the parade this year, we still ran out before the end of the parade.    Our theme:  Raisin' Kids for Eternity One of the ways we raise kids for eternity is by teaching them SERVICE. Another way we raise kids for eternity is with strong ACADEMICS. Further, we raise kids for eternity by teaching them the value of WORK.  In the middle of the float on both sides was a very large handmade BIBLE, which is the core of how we as Christians raise kids for eternity.  These two ladies were busy filling buckets in the back of the truck!  Happy Independence Day! Happy raisins. :)