
Showing posts from December, 2016


These cute warm Christmas socks are ready to be mailed to one of our favorite elderly ladies.

Florist Thank You

This past Friday David got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers from a local florist shop. While he was there he overheard some rudeness towards the floral employees so we decided to go back personally and show our thanks.  We took these peppermint patty thank yous and let them know what a wonderful job they did!  Always say thank you!

Your Story Hour and Stickers

10 little packages ready to go to be shipped to some of our smaller friends.   Each package has a Your Story Hour CD and a couple of sheets of stickers. Some will go to kids who don't go to church and some will just go to kids who we thought would enjoy getting a little surprise in the mail!

Adventurer Sharing Gifts

We got lots of snow yesterday and so adventurers was cancelled. But that gave me a little more time to add a sharing gift to the devotional thought that I was preparing. These little bags have Peppermint Patties inside. One for the child and four for them to each give away with a Merry Christmas!

Dollar Store

We had fun today hiding random act of kindness dollars in the dollar store. Wouldn't it be so fun to see people find them?

Children's Miracle Network

Dime after dime after dime...  :)  It's fun for them to watch as the dimes twirl down into the funnel and it helps a good cause.

Money Ornaments

We went a the annual Christmas Stroll at the Adventist Heritage Village and at the end they give you an opportunity to hang a money ornament on their tree. All the donations go to help the police support Toys For Tots.

York Peppermint Patties

This was a really fun activity! I bought a package of York Peppermint Patties and just handed them out to random people and said Merry Christmas. People's responses were hilarious and amazing! One lady after going on and on told us how it made her day. Some looked at us kind of funny because they just weren't quite sure what was going on and then realized we were just giving them a gift and were so happy and thankful. Lots of smiles. It was a fun day!

Happy Mail

Happy mail is something that you mail without wrapping it.  We have a friend who really likes Kroger popcorn and she doesn't live near a Kroger so we bought a package, addressed it, and sent it off in the mail.  How fun to receive something like this in the mail!

Letters for Soldiers

I'm sure overseas soldiers are lonely at Christmas time. Probably they miss home all the time so we took some time to make a few cards. If you'd like to also, check out this website:

Laundry Soap

This has been one of my favorite little acts of kindness this month!  We dropped off a bottle of laundry soap at the laundromat and left it with the lady in charge.  We told her it was just for anyone that needed it. She was thrilled! She was so touched that someone would do that and sent us off with lots of smiles and hugs and God bless you!

Bell Ringers

These people are faithful!  We see this particular lady ringing her bell all the time.  I happened to be at Walmart twice on Sunday and she was there at 11am when I went the first time and was just getting off when I went at 7pm the same day!  We always try to put something small in the bucket and this year were also taking the Ringers treats when we can. 


We had some extra coupons that we didn't need so we left them on the shelves with the product.  Plus we left a little bonus Glow tract pack to go along with it.


People always appreciate homemade applesauce!