

There comes a point in everyone's life, where they are confused and need a little bit of direction. God can give us that direction and we should point letters to him as well!

Halloween Sharing

Halloween is the perfect time to share Jesus! With so many children coming to your door, why not share something with them that will direct them to Jesus. I heard a story recently about how a mom was going through all the candy that her children had collected on Halloween. Someone had shared a GLOW tract with the child and the mom saw the Bible study offer on the back of the tract. She was interested and called. She went through a series of Bible studies. She went through an evangelism series. She accepted Jesus as her Savior and was baptized.  Never underestimate the opportunity you have on Halloween to share Jesus!

4th of July Health Booth

Our theme was the Abundant Life and we had tables about physical, mental, and spiritual health at the Curtis 4th of July festivities. In the mental health area we had literature and activities that would benefit people's mental health. A balloon pop where they could write their worries, stresses, and challenges and then pop the balloon, a sudoku puzzle, stickers, bubbles, stress relieving activities and lots of reading material. These bubbles were quite a draw! And once we started handing them out to kids instead of just leaving them on the table, we were able to talk with lots more people because we could share a bag of literature with the parents as well.  Best strategy tip: Reach the kids and you'll get the adults too! In the spiritual health area we had a jeopardy style game that they could answer questions from that would give them points to enter their name in multiple times (depending on their points) for a drawing. They could leave prayer requests and there was lots of

Busy Life Survival Kit

Know anyone who is busy and stressed? This is the easiest and cutest gift and it reminds each person that Jesus is with them. Add some GLOW tracts and you have the perfect witnessing tool.  I put together 80 of these to share with the Shepherdess of the Michigan Conference at Camp meeting. Then I shared them with one of my churches so they could share them with friends.  

Primary Division Outreach

I had the privilege of sharing outreach ideas in the primary division at campmeeting this year. So I told them some stories and then each day they got to put together an outreach idea and then take it to share with someone. These are a few of the things that we did. They got to thank someone who was working to make campmeeting great! They got to tell someone that Jesus loves them! I sent this home with them on the last day so that they would be reminded to stay close to Jesus!  

Jesus Loves You BERRY BERRY Much!

Similar to a previous post, but we wanted even the church members to know that Jesus loves them! So we made these to hand out on Pathfinder Sabbath. Then they took some to share with their friends and neighbors.  

Be Ready to Share

I had been praying for divine appointments on my trip out to see Chaeli and back. I always want to be able to share hope, encouragement, and Jesus if there's someone who needs to hear So I left on this trip ready to share with people about Health, family values, and Jesus love! On my flight back home, I was reading a small book called Darkness Before Dawn. I happened to be in a chapter that had a picture of Jesus coming back to get us. It was full of angels and it caught the attention of one of the flight attendants as she was serving drinks. She said, " Are you reading about angels?" I told her that I was and shared a little bit about the book. She was intrigued that it talked about how Jesus was going to come back and what the second coming is going to be like based on what the Bible says. We talked a little bit about her background and how she's lost her mom who really loved angels and about how she believes it's not just politics going awry, but th

Berry Special Person

Everyone we meet needs to know that they are very special to Jesus and this is a cute little way to remind church members, neighbors, friends, and even strangers that they are berry, berry special!

Berry Much

Valentine's Day! The perfect day to tell others that Jesus loves them! And it can't get much better when you add a strawberry muffin with a cute little tag.

National Good Neighbor Day

Another day to celebrate and do good deeds. It's National Good Neighbor Day. Think of something nice that you can do for your neighbors and reach out with kindness. We've done lots of things in the past and really the sky's the limit. Here's some ideas to get you started. Bake cookies or muffins and shared them Rake leaves Talk with them and really listened Take a pot of soup or a loaf of homemade bread Have your small children color them a picture and write on it that you are praying for them. Ask if they need you to pick them up something from the store when you go out. Take their dog for a walk Watch their kids to give them a break Take them a small potted plant or flowers Think of something. Today. And do it!

A Birthday 🎉

Elijah had a birthday and we always like to combine birthday celebrations with giving to others. Ellen White says that we should use these specials days to thank the Lord for the years that he has given us and one of the ways that we can do that is by giving back to others. For Elijah's birthday we gave him a envelope with each gift. Each envelope had a Bible verse on the outside about giving to others and on the inside was a card with a random act of kindness that he was supposed to do. Our favorite was the one that said make 13 cupcakes and share them with 13 people. What fun this was! He shared them with church members, friends, and even random strangers in our community. What a blessing it is to give! And the birthday memories stick around longer when we add fun endeavors that include serving others.


With two important days coming up (Valentines and Random Acts of Kindness Day!), I thought I would make a post with some ideas. Kindness should be spread far and wide, and love does not always have to be about romance, so this week as you think about these two fun days, think about how you can share love and kindness with those in close proximity to you: your neighbors! If you aren't sure where to start, consider these ideas: If you can bake, make and deliver some delicious cookies, brownies, or cupcakes to their door. Take someone out for lunch or dessert - your treat! Visit an elderly neighbor and provide them with some much needed companionship. Put a friendly note, GLOW tract pack, and treat in your mailbox for the mail carrier. Offer to babysit for free! Clean up their yard - rake leaves, weed their garden, water plants, paint their fence, mow their lawn, shovel and salt their sidewalks and driveway. If you're handy around the house, see if they have any small home improve


Another holiday means another opportunity to share Jesus! And we just created the perfect little tag for you to share about someone people can trust. While It's great for any time of year, the heart-shaped candy makes it perfect for Valentine's. You can download your free copy here.

Chattanooga Community Kitchen

What a blessing to serve Christmas dinner to the homeless at the Chattanooga Community Kitchen! We worked with some amazing people and loved interacting with our guests. If you live in this area, take advantage of this opportunity to serve. They offer so many services and serve meals 3x a day/365 days a year. There are a few tent communities not far from the kitchen in this area of town. There is so much need, and we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus!