
Showing posts from June, 2019

"Raisins" to Smile

We handed out 480 "raisins" to smile around town!! What fun!! Health and Jesus go hand-in-hand!!  :)  People loved it!

Apple Cider

Our first group Pathfinder Glow-a-thon event. We handed out 288 apple cider packs with tracts in Sturgis on Sabbath plus other random GLOW tracts.


It was outreach Sabbath and we shared clothes pins with people!  😁  Just a little reminder that we can hang our troubles on Jesus! We also prayed with people after we explained the clothes pin. I would ask you to pray for 14 year old Jade who lives in a foster home and whose father abandoned her on the streets six months ago. She was in tears as she told us this was just what she needed to hear.