We can find true joy by letting our lights shine among men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Business Thank Yous
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Saying thank you is so easy and it's so important! Next time you go into a local business, let them know how much you appreciate the way that they serve their community with their goods and services.
Our theme was the Abundant Life and we had tables about physical, mental, and spiritual health at the Curtis 4th of July festivities. In the mental health area we had literature and activities that would benefit people's mental health. A balloon pop where they could write their worries, stresses, and challenges and then pop the balloon, a sudoku puzzle, stickers, bubbles, stress relieving activities and lots of reading material. These bubbles were quite a draw! And once we started handing them out to kids instead of just leaving them on the table, we were able to talk with lots more people because we could share a bag of literature with the parents as well. Best strategy tip: Reach the kids and you'll get the adults too! In the spiritual health area we had a jeopardy style game that they could answer questions from that would give them points to enter their name in multiple times (depending on their points) for a drawing. They could leave prayer requests and there was lots of ...
We made almost 500 Christmas survival kits after church yesterday! Many people took some to pass out and we'll also be passing them out on Thursday for Bible Labs! Fun holiday project! The school kids took these little Christmas Survival Kits all over town one day before Christmas. People were thrilled withthem! This is some of the kids with a couple of ladies that were tickled pink with the kids and what they were doing! And most people give this reaction!
I had been praying for divine appointments on my trip out to see Chaeli and back. I always want to be able to share hope, encouragement, and Jesus if there's someone who needs to hear So I left on this trip ready to share with people about Health, family values, and Jesus love! On my flight back home, I was reading a small book called Darkness Before Dawn. I happened to be in a chapter that had a picture of Jesus coming back to get us. It was full of angels and it caught the attention of one of the flight attendants as she was serving drinks. She said, " Are you reading about angels?" I told her that I was and shared a little bit about the book. She was intrigued that it talked about how Jesus was going to come back and what the second coming is going to be like based on what the Bible says. We talked a little bit about her background and how she's lost her mom who really loved angels and about how she believes it's not just politics going awry, but th...
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