4th of July Health Booth

Our theme was the Abundant Life and we had tables about physical, mental, and spiritual health at the Curtis 4th of July festivities. In the mental health area we had literature and activities that would benefit people's mental health. A balloon pop where they could write their worries, stresses, and challenges and then pop the balloon, a sudoku puzzle, stickers, bubbles, stress relieving activities and lots of reading material. These bubbles were quite a draw! And once we started handing them out to kids instead of just leaving them on the table, we were able to talk with lots more people because we could share a bag of literature with the parents as well. Best strategy tip: Reach the kids and you'll get the adults too! In the spiritual health area we had a jeopardy style game that they could answer questions from that would give them points to enter their name in multiple times (depending on their points) for a drawing. They could leave prayer requests and there was lots of ...