Glow Tracts and Fruit Leather

I saw that October 31 would fall on a Bible Labs day so I had it my mind that we needed to do something in the community to shed LIGHT since this day is filled with so much darkness.  We love to attach things to glow tracts so we finally decided that we would attach fruit leather to the glow tract entitled Twilight: Is It Just a Story.  This particular glow tract use to be called Twilight Trick or Truth  which would have been perfect for the day, but we went with with we had.  :)  We decided that going over to the college would be perfect!  

A small piece of double sided tape did the trick!

We ended up with about 150 or so. 

We hit as many popular spots on campus as we could before we ran out -- the library, lunch area, the halls.  The college kids and professors alike were thrilled to receive something from the kids on a day in which kids just expect to be given to! 


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