Door-to-Door at GYC

Many people are scared by the thought of going door-to-door, but it is an essential work that CHristians must do!  There are people who might not be reached if we don't step out of our comfort zones and knock on their doors.

Our group...bus 9, drop 5

We went two by two...We did electronic surveys finding out how we could better serve the community as well as leaving GLOW tracts and praying with people.

This is our divine appointment! God lead us to this young Burmese refugee family who needs help with English as a second language and wants bible studies for their five children. After we gave them some GLOW tracts and prayed with them, we opened our eyes and the mother had tears. She spoke to the father and he translated that she had been praying for someone to come and teach their children about Jesus. Be available and Jesus will use you too!!


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